Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Write About Kids and Discover a Pot of Gold

Write About Kids and Discover a Pot of Gold Writing short pieces on kids-related topics is a good way to earn extra dollars as a freelance writer in between writing on longer, more complex projects.    I’m not referring to those long feature articles that child experts often write, but those ideas on children’s crafts, parties, sports, games, educational projects, recipes, short kids’-says, etc. that nearly anyone can write. Have you come up with a solution to end your child’s fear of the boogeyman, for example? Is your five-year-old always saying the cutest things? Well, there’s quick and easy in writing about those things. I began writing short familial or kids’ pieces quite Driving through the South one year with yet another young granddaughter, both of us numbed I wrote about other kid-related incidentsan article for a newspaper about how I remained connected with my twin grandsons in another state when they were young and another for Mature Living about how one preteen granddaughter and I collaborated on writing a middle-grade novel, are but two. My grandchildren are young adults now and my larder of kids’ things to write about is pretty much empty, but for those of you parents-slash-writers (or non-writers) with young children and real-parent advice or ideas on almost anything, a pot of gold (well, almost) awaits you in pursuing these profitable family/child related articles. There are many parenting magazines that deal solely with family/children related features; however, the opportunities don’t stop at THEIR doorstep. Many general magazines, Christian magazines, inspirational magazines, educational magazines, retirement magazines, and even the true romance magazines are always looking for good family/child pieces.    If, like me, however, your children and grandchildren are grown, you can still tap into these markets One of the really neat compensations for writing these short pieces IS the compensation.   I’ve written twenty-page essays that have paid less than what these have paid.   And, if you take into consideration the return of investment vs. the time spent composing these pieces, you definitely come out on top.   Here’s what I mean.   Let’s suppose a kids’ say takes only 20 minutes, give or take, to put together, and pays $50.   If you do three, you’ve earned $150 for an hour’s work.   True, these amusing kids’ quips will not come to you in neat packages of three, but the end-game is still the same$150 an hour.      So, get out your pencil, or crayon, or tap out a few lines on your keyboard and make some fast and easy money writing about and/or for kids. Mature Living- request guidelines Woman’s World- send short kids’ says/anecdotes to Woman’s World, 270 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (magazine can be bought at checkouts in supermarkets)/ pays $50 for kids’ says. Media for Living- mediaforliving.org/contact/ pays around $50 FamilyFun- http://familyfun.go.com/magazine/contact-us-819817/ pays $1.25 per wd., $75 for simply supplying an idea to be written

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